Saturday, August 10, 2013


Mississippi                                             November 22, 2005

One Mississippi, two Mississippi,
Three Mississippi, four.
Houses destroyed 'cause the Gulf was angry.
Towns ravaged 'cause the winds
Simply wouldn't take "no" for an answer.
Pray for rain, you say?
I think these folks will not, that they'll say, "No way,"
For after all, reading of Noah's Ark
Is enough now to make them crack.

"Ole Miss" was once a pride of the Southland;
Cotton fields, old plantations, just to name a few.
So many black ones singing up the blues,
Merely an art form they made famous.
But now, all the people are certified blues artists,
For the times are hard and will take years to see sunlight.
Sometimes, looking toward God seems not easy, not enough.

Mississippi, o' Mississippi,
Where's your rebel spirit at, you people of the magnolia?
I haven't a clue, but this I definitely know:
It's time to revive one's faith in The Spirit of Jesus.
C'mon, Mississippi. Y'all ain't simple hound dogs.
I hope you're a little more complex than that.
Just give God your hands and you'll be free.
Just give God your hands and the light you will see.

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