Sunday, August 11, 2013

When Spring Winds Come Blowin' In

When Spring Winds Come Blowin' In                                            March 2, 2007

Life is set to begin again
When Spring winds come blowin' in.
Lil' boys go 'round a-ridin' their bikes
As the girls skip rope and hum.

Baseball returns, and there's nothin' to fear,
All the old men with peanuts, hot dogs and beer,
And if you win or lose, it's all okay,
They'll be back tomorrow night at seven to play.

Take your girl to dinner at night, my boy,
And breathe in the warm evening air.
Roses and tulips line down your path,
And the lightning bugs pluck you a song.

Grandmothers, gather all your young 'uns around
For a picnic that cannot be beat.
Fried chicken and taters and biscuits and gravy,
Then let them go fly a kite.

Mothers and fathers, the time is ripe,
The candy store is there.
The children can run and have their fun,
While you, Ma and Pop, hold hands and smile.

'Tis Springtime again, dear boys and girls,
And Jack Frost has finally succumbed.
The birds and the bees go marching on parade
As I watch from the gazebo with lem'ade.

Home again!  Home again!
I can love life again at last,
For life is set to begin again
When spring winds come blowin' in.
No more gray skies of pain!

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