Sunday, August 11, 2013

You Ain't Making No Fool Out of Me

You Ain't Making No Fool Out of Me                                      January 2, 2007

Spare me the taunts, your useless outrage,
Your pithy remarks of humanistic blasphemies.
Send me to hell in a hand basket
Because I don't give a damn.
You ain't making no fool out of me.

I wasn't put here to walk in your foot steps
Or spout the words from your sermons.
I am I and you are you,
And that's the way it's going to be.
You ain't making no fool out of me.

I'm a man some would call lonely,
I'm an individual with deeper-than-thou thoughts.
I'm a person who doesn't give a damn about you.
You ain't making no fool out of me.

My reputation's deplorable.
They say that change would be preferable,
But I am I and you are you.
Learn to deal, cause you ain't making no fool out of me.
I'm a soul who knows no One
As long as it is One for all and all for One.
I'm a soul who knows in what he believes.
Just know you ain't making no fool out of me.

Everybody needs somebody lest he be alone in this world.
Everybody needs a lover lest nobody would proliferate the human race.
You could be beautiful, and yet be so only skin deep.
Who gives a damn?  You ain't making no fool out of me.

I've been driving down that highway for years.
I've been learning to live with my brand of smiles and tears,
And you ain't my friend or the priest of higher calls.
You ain't making no fool out of me.

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