Sunday, August 11, 2013

You Never Knew Me

You Never Knew Me                                   August 25, 2006

There have been many moons and sun ups come
Since the day I met you, my lovely one.
I thought we did everything together,
Even agreeing to disagree.
But lately, my sweet, some things occurred
To change my perspective of you.
I see the body, but apparently, it's just a cloak.

You never knew me at all, did you, darling?
My therapist said I should ask even if I know.
After all we went through, the pain is there,
A dull knife digging a hole, the dirty truth.
I called you twice, but you said I didn't at all,
But baby, how I do recall,
How I do recall our song on that ring tone!

You never knew me at all, did you, darling?
I never would've believed it to be true.
I thought our minds were one and in sync,
But apparently, you loved another more.
Oh baby, how I do recall
The first time we made love
Listening to that song that's on your ring tones.

Oh, you never knew me at all, my dear,
You never saw the sun in my eyes as I did yours.
You never walked to that same beat
As did I after we were skipping stones.
And so here's to life, so painful now I see.
I shed crocodile tears that are blood size.
You tore my heart to tatters, my lady,
But apparently, yours was never there.

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