Sunday, August 11, 2013

Lettin' My Brain Run Away

Lettin' My Brain Run Away                                         August 29, 2006

Another night out, just another day's end.
I sit on down, scratchin' my head, pretendin' to think out loud,
And I wonder how.  I wonder how this all came to be.
The wife is calling out, "Come to bed, dear John.
It's getting so very late, and I'm ravenous tonight."
But I wonder what I am, if nothing other than her stud.
"Who am I?" I ask.

Pondering life's dreams while sittin' in my underwear.
You can never feel too liberated if you only pay but a cent.
Life is too short to not enjoy what we have before us, what nature calls hence,
But if you stick around long enough, you'll see everything that be,
And your mind will stray like a cat.
Maybe that isn't so bad.

If I sell out and go into that candle-lit bedroom, will I have stood tall,
Or given in to the frightening side of the thumb which she presses me on?
I'm in deep introspective, just penetrating the depths of my soul,
Through flowing rivers in dark tunnels and billowing undergrounds.
All this must be a test, then, to see of what am I made.
All my hopes and my dreams may hinge on something of which I'm blase.
I've got to be brave, then.  I must show strength.
My soldiers can live to fight another night.  I'm lettin' my brain run away.

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