Sunday, August 11, 2013

Like a Lull-a-bye

Like a Lull-a-bye                                             August 31, 2006

My dear girl, my, how you have a wild imagination,
An artist's eye, I dare not cast a shadow of doubt.
You're a bright-eyed girl seeing unicorns fly
In the Aurora's sky, in the Northern lights.
Won't the gods commission you to paint life
Using the world's best oils and canvas'?
Do they not know that you've seen the old Martian Landscape?
Do they not know that you are the lone survivor of Atlantis?
So many wondrous things abound within you, child.
You live life like a lullabye.

Like a lullabye, your walk, my dear, is a song.
Like a lullabye, your talk is poetry set to music.
Like a lullabye, your spirit flies through freedom's skies,
Whistling the wisdom of the gods we seek, yet have lost.
I can't seem to imagine the world without you, my dear girl.
It'd surely be a dark, dark hole in which to live.

My dear girl, do you hear the air waves o'er the rooftops?
They are poisoning our minds with rubbish
About scoundrels, and our minds become vagabonds.
My dear girl, do you smell the cries and tears we call fear?
They inundate our planet to the bone
Of thoughts of suicidal, genocidal fervor.
And what of your wisdom can we reach out to learn?
Another day's done, but I say there's always a tomorrow.
What of our past actions can we discern,
To pick apart, to keep, from which to learn?
My dear girl, you seem to be the only one with answers.

If we only lived like you, my dear girl, like a lullabye,
The gods would bless us at every turn.
If we only had a saving grace, my dear, like a lullabye,
We might have a chance to live as something other than cannibals.
We could still bear the pains that come with being human,
Yet live our lives much more artfully.
We could each be the other's muse, and the world wouldn't want a war.
I say we all join hands and sing a lullabye.

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