Sunday, August 11, 2013

Whatever Happened to Real Music?

Whatever Happened to Real Music?                              September 1, 2006

Today was a trip down memory lane,
Down times past, forgotten and no.
I pulled out a little Huey Lewis,
Burned a CD using modern technology,
And I had my retro fix just like that.
Today's music, Segar said, ain't got the same soul.
I just had to have my old rock 'n roll.

Whatever happened to writers who could sing?
Whatever happened to singers who could write?
My! How today's music ain't got the same soul!
Bob Dylan is right.  We're in a great, big lull!

Well, I listened to the first song on my Huey Lewis CD,
And thought, "Hell, they don't even call 'em albums anymore."
Musicians don't care.  They lip-synch on stage,
Don't even give a damn where the heart of rock 'n roll is still beating.
This makes me sad, this state of music, this state we're living in,
This state of our society causing us to revel in sin.

Whatever happened to the writers who could sing?
Whatever happened to singers who could write?
My!  How today's music ain't got the same soul!
Bob Dylan's right.  We're in a great, big lull.

Whatever happened to yesterday's crooners?
Did they not pass their craft onto the artists of today?
Music has become a mockery of what we had before.
Stories of shagging one's mama or bustin' caps in the hood
Have supplanted tales of everlasting love or good love gone bad.
Hey, I'd rather slit my wrists on lost love than listen to that crap called rap.

Whatever happened to the writers who could sing?
Whatever happened to singers who could write?
My!  How today's music ain't got the same soul!
Bob Dylan's right.  We're in a great, big lull.
Whatever happened to the good ol' days
When a good ol' boy could jam to tunes on his car stereo
Without counting the number of "fuck yous" in the song?

Yes, whatever happened to real music that was pure Americana?
Wake me up when we find the answer.  I doubt we will, though.

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