Sunday, August 11, 2013

Walkin' Out My Front Door

Walkin' Out My Front Door                                       September 18, 2006

Look at you doll,
All prissy in pink,
Thinking your punk ass
Was gonna get you some meat.
Well, my hide ain't fodder,
And it ain't never gonna be so.
I'm through with you, doll.
Get a walkin' out my front door.

I'm tired of bein' compared
With all the other blokes around.
I'm just one of the guys,
Never been anything more.
I give you a mile,
Then you don't give me an inch?
I'm through with you, doll.
Get a walkin' out my front door.

Well I never saw the light of day with you.
I never saw the evening shade
That the luminescent moon shone 'round you.
Life never was easy
Before you came to town,
But as soon as you're a walkin' out my front door,
I'll release the hounds within me.

I'm free of you, bitch,
Don't have a need of you no more.
I'm free of you, you leech,
You bloodsucker whore.
I'm just one of the common folk
Plain for all to see,
But that never was what you wanted
To make you pleased with me.

Get a walkin' out my front door.
Quit botherin' me.
Get a walkin' out my front door.
Leave me forever more.
Get a walking out my front door,
For it'll sure please me.
I said get your skank ass a walkin', bitch,
And don't be messin' with me again.

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